Gratitude for 2010

If you are like me, you will take some time during the holiday season to sit back and reflect on what this last year has brought your way.

Some of us focus on the good things, while others tend to focus on the things that went wrong.

This year I challenge you to reflect on all the things that happened this year that you can be grateful for.

This may take some time and focus on your part, or maybe not!

To help you out here is a list of things to get your mind focused on what you can be grateful for.
My challenge to you is for the next 10 days read one of these questions below and write down the answers that come to your mind. At the end of the 10 days, between now and end of the year, you will have 10 pages of things you are grateful for. AND you will have started your Gratitude Journal to begin 2011.

1. How have you improved your relationship with friends (old & new), your family and loved ones?

2. What were some of the new things you did or tried that brought you joy, happiness or peace?

3. What new things have you acquired this year that you love or has brought something into your life or made your life easier?

4. What positive things have happened this year for your health? Or maybe you have taken some positive steps towards improving your health, if so what are they?

5. How have you improved your finances or financial security for your future?

6. What have you done at work or home that has given you a sense of satisfaction for a job well done?

7. What did you plan this year that worked out positive for you (big and small)?

8. What new places did you visit or travel to? What did you take away from that visit or trip?

9. What personal accomplishments did you do this year that make you feel wonderful?

10. What have you discovered about yourself in 2010 that you didn’t know before? Good or not, it’s something new you’ve learned about yourself that you can be grateful for!

Remember that your world is what you are focusing on. So in 2011 focus on the things you have to be grateful for and you will have more things come into your life that will bring you gratitude.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

** this is the last blog for 2010**

About Marnie Houston

Retired and loving it! Between the grandkids, travelling, quilting, sewing etc. never a dull moment
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