Surround yourself with positive people!

Recently I had been reminded where I used to be in my energy and vibration before I began this inner journey many many years ago.

It is so easy when you are surrounded by people who are not in the same positive energy to feel like you are getting pulled backwards or absorbing negative energy from those around you. It is also possible that you may find some of your old habits coming back into place or perhaps some of your newer positive habits falling by the way side.

If you are surround by people who were stuck in the “Ain’t it Awful” club, here are a few things you can do to protect your energy.

First imagine a beautiful cocoon being spun all around you. This cocoon will protect your own energy and also keep you from absorbing any negative energy of those around you. Others negative energy will bounce off the wall of the cocoon and go back their way without you absorbing it.

Next, break away from that “Ain’t it awful” crowd and find a new group of people who inspire, motivate and propel you forward. Imagine 5-10 people who would be in your Success Cheering Club. Some of these people can be people you know, others can be people you admire from afar. But imagine that these people are cheering you on and helping you by inspiring and motivating you towards your success.

If some of your family members are in the “Ain’t it Awful” club it will be harder to break away from them. Something you can do is share with them your positive energy and help them by allowing them to feel the positive energy that you are emanating. They don’t have to be in the same place. By you having positive energy it changes the energy field around you and does impact them also.

Practice whatever works for you. For example, if you meditate daily ensure you keep the meditation going when impacted by negative energy or you could slide back into your old habits.

Keep your focus on your desires and the outcome of what you want. Have your vision board or book handy and look at it every time you are feeling the negative energy or starting to feel like you are losing your focus.

It doesn’t matter who, what or where this negative energy is coming from you need to surround yourself with people and things that will allow you to keep on the path you are choosing to walk on towards your dreams. Surround yourself with positive people, energy and success and you will create your success!

About Marnie Houston

Retired and loving it! Between the grandkids, travelling, quilting, sewing etc. never a dull moment
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